Real Estate IV

RSJ Real Estate IV focuses on the investment into commercial property that is suitable for the rental market.

Investment Philosophy

RSJ is interested in investing into commercial real estate that has creditworthy tenants, a stable rental income and long-term and sustainable value.  Its aim is to achieve an adequate return on investment at a reasonable level of risk.

Investment Criteria

  • Investment in quality products in Euro.

  • Primarily offices, shopping centers and logistics real estate.

  • A focus on Central European markets.

  • Target yield of 5 % IRR (internal rate of return) per annum.

  • Investment horizon of 7+ years.


RSJ Real Estate IV is a sub-fund of the investment fund RSJ Investments SICAV a.s.


Pradiareň 1900

Pradiareň 1900
Location Bratislava, Slovakia
Investment Date Q2 2022
Status Active

Pradiareň 1900 offers modern offices and retail space in the historical industrial building of the former Cvernovka factory. It is located in the wider center of Bratislava and is the future landmark of the new district Zwirn.