Employee charity

We actively select and support non-profit organizations that do good work for an extensive period of time and need momentum for their further activities.

Helping involves mainly a social responsibility program – RSJ employees make a regular financial donation to several non-profit organizations of their choice. For each CZK 1 donated, RSJ gives another CZK 3.


Children's Crisis Center

Support period 2022–

V Dětském krizovém centru podporujeme okamžitou krizovou pomoc pro ohrožené děti, chatovací službu a osvětové aktivity, aby děti a mladí věděli, na koho se mohou v krizi obrátit.

Children's Crisis Center

Foundation for Children in Need

Support period 2015–

From 1990 this Fund found new families for 663 children who are ‘hard to place’ (i.e., physical disability, higher age, sibling group, Roma children, behavioral issues) and could not access state-provided foster care. In addition, based on requests from parents, 119 newborns were placed in foster care straight from the maternity ward via direct adoption, which saved them from institutional care. The Fund dealt with 53 930 cases of children in need; our five family refuges helped 2 232 children and their parents, as well as 37 adults from children’s homes and other institutions.

Foundation for Children in Need


Support period 2015–

A center for training dogs for the disabled, with a mission of integration of people with health disabilities into the society and community, enabling their return to an active lifestyle, inclusion in the education or work environment, widening their options of self-efficiency and gaining greater self-sufficiency, independence, self-esteem, freedom and safety – all this through specifically trained dogs.


Safety Line

Support period 2022–

Krizová intervence pro děti a mládež funguje zdarma a po celé republice. Podporou Linky bezpečí umožňujeme většímu počtu dětí najít pomoc v nových oblastech, jako je kyberšikana či sebepoškozování.

Safety Line

Leontinka Foundation

Support period 2015–

The Leontinka Foundation is committed to helping people with visual impairment, especially children and youth. Its main goal to facilitate their integration into society, education, social, sports and leisure activities. Financial and non-financial donations collected from individual donors, partners, sponsors or charity events are distributed through various projects designed to help specific institutions or individuals.

Leontinka Foundation

Nation to Children Foundation

Support period 2015–

This Foundation is designed to help hospitalized patients at the Department of Paediatric Haematology and Oncology, 2nd Faculty of Medicine, Charles University, and Motol University Hospital. Since its founding in 1990 as one of the first of its kind in the former Czechoslovakia, the Foundation has been working to improve the quality of medical care for young patients by purchasing medical equipment and drugs, as well as funding oncology research and improving the overall environment.

Nation to Children Foundation

Nevypusť duši

Support period 2022–

Posláním spolku je informovat veřejnost o duševním zdraví, zbavovat téma duševního onemocnění společenského stigmatu a přispívat ke vzdělávání dětí, mládeže a učitelů v oblasti péče a prevence.

Nevypusť duši

Parent Project

Support period 2019–

A patient organization established by parents with children born with the Duchenne/Becker dystrophy and other rare pediatric neuromuscular diseases. Our members include patients, their parents and other relatives. The organization has been active in the Czech Republic since 2001 and is modeled after a U.S. organization of the same name founded in 1994. Our mission is to promote and advocate for the interests of our patients and members, working to improve and ensure a better quality of life, provide comprehensive care, and support availability of effective treatment.

Parent Project

Smiling Crocodile

Support period 2018–

The non-profit organization Smiling Crocodile believes that every child, regardless of their special needs, race, nationality, culture, social status or religion, has the right to proper medical care, education, social support, services and equipment necessary for their development. They have the right to be a lawful and equal member of society and live a happy life. The main goal of the organization is to find and support fields, centers and children with hearing or multiple disabilities who do not get sufficient care, rehabilitation, education, services or equipment that are vital for their development and integration into society and regular life.

Smiling Crocodile