Other activities


Aspen Institute Prague

Support period 2015

A donation was provided to the Aspen Young Leaders Program 2015 project. These workshops and discussions connect young people (ages 20 - 40) from Central Europe, as well as from different areas of public life. The goal of this project is, among others, to support its participants in their professional development.

Aspen Institute Prague

Carnegie Mellon University – Methods of Mathematical Finance Conference

Support period 1.–5. 6. 2015

The conference focused on the current theme of financial mathematics. One of the topics discussed was the financial crisis that began in 2007. The choice of subjects attracted leading scientists, postgraduate students, as well as important representatives of companies working in the financial field. Co-founder of the RSJ Foundation, Karel Janeček, delivered one of the key presentations.

Carnegie Mellon University – Methods of Mathematical Finance Conference

Czech Center of the International PEN Club

Support period 2015–2019

The Czech Center of the International PEN Club is part of the independent PEN world community with headquarters in London. The number of national centers is changing annually, now there are 145 in 104 countries around the world. They associate around twenty thousand creators - people who are figuratively reigning with a pen (PEN - Playwrights, Poets, Essayists, Novelists). The aim of their efforts is, in particular, according to the International Charter, freedom of expression, freedom of speech and the free life of man.

Czech Center of the International PEN Club

Dialog Jessenius

Support period 2015–2019

The Oncology Information Center improves the quality of life of oncology patients, quality of oncology care, oncology education for nursing staff, as well as communication between patients and medical staff. Teaching patients to be actively involved in treatment, the Center provides easy access to information that can improve their treatment experience. We provided a donation for the production of an educational documentary film: A Guide through the Disease – Most Common Urological Malignities, which served in raising awareness concerning examination and treatment methods, as well as help to patients and their families after receiving this serious diagnosis. The film will be used, among other places, in hospitals and doctors’ offices.

Dialog Jessenius

Neuron Fund for the Support of Science

Support period 2015–2017

The Neuron Fund for the Support of Science is a modern non-profit organization that develops donor activities in the area of science and research in the Czech Republic. We support and award top Czech scientists and strive to popularize science.

Neuron Fund for the Support of Science

Anticorruption Endowment

Support period 2015–2020

The anti-corruption fund set the goal of uncovering corruption within the state administration and subsequently passes this information on to the police and justice. Among its other goals are support of whistleblowers and (not only) their legal protection. In the area of legislation, it also attempts to improve the legal system and enforceability of law. The basic vision of NFPK is a society within which the public will see corruption as a crime and treat those offenders accordingly.

Anticorruption Endowment

Open Society

Support period 2016

Otevřená společnost je tým odborníků, kteří věří tomu, že dobře spravovaný stát může zajistit spokojený a plnohodnotný život všem svým obyvatelům. Tolerance a rozmanitost jsou pro ně hodnoty, nikoli vyprázdněné pojmy. Soutěž Otevřeno x Zavřeno s pomocí občanů již čtrnáct let hodnotí otevřenost úřadů a dalších institucí veřejné správy.

Social clinic

Support period 2020

Posláním SK je poskytovat kvalitní terapeutické služby lidem, kteří se nacházejí v náročné životní situaci a nemohou si tyto služby dovolit. Jedná se o podporu v zátěžových situacích mezi něž aktuálně patří dopady koronavirové krize. Naše podpora směřuje do oblasti osobní krátkodobé terapie a přímé péče v podobě on-line krizové intervence v/po období pandemie Covid-19.

Social clinic